Wait on God

A Call to Wait On God
There is a call from the Lord to spread the practice, art and discipline of the Waiting on God principles as far and wide as possible among believers. At this most important time, the Lord is raising up His praying people of faith who are committed to contending for the advancement of His Kingdom. He is drawing His united intercessors to learn to wait upon Him continually, and partner with Him in prayer for His Church and for the laborers to be thrust into the harvest fields to make disciples who multiply. It’s time to wait on God!
The prayers of Rees Howells and his company of 120 hidden intercessors at the Bible College of Wales thwarted the enemy in WWII and changed the course of history. Their lives were on the altar day after day as they stood in the gap to turn the tide of the war. It is with similar expectation that we are seeking 120 intercessors to undergird and propel the vision of a Waiting on God prayer movement now.
You are receiving this invitation because it is likely that you are one of these special ones, called for such a time as this (Esther 4:14).

The Vision for the 120
To cry out to God in prayer to strategically identify, mobilize and unite an army of worshiping intercessors who are committed to the daily art and discipline of waiting on God.
The Asking
Will you ask God if He would have you serve as ONE of the 120 Waiting on God Intercessors? When either your YES or NO response is filled with peace and joy, this will be the witness that you have heard from the Most High God.
The Commitment to Wait on God
If your answer to the Lord is yes, here is the specific commitment:
- To study the devotional book, Waiting on God by Andrew Murray, order your copy today. Through Andrew Murray, the Holy Spirit illuminates God’s Word on the art and discipline of waiting on Him. Waiting on God is like a large brilliant diamond with 31 facets (the main points of the 31 meditations) in the crown of the King.
- Commit to a Waiting on God lifestyle of listening, being silent, worshiping, meditating on God’s Word, praying and obedience to the Lord’s leading.
- To regularly (5-6 times weekly) spend at least 30 minutes going progressively through the daily meditations in the devotional book, Waiting on God. Read, listen and then briefly pray through one paragraph at a time. Use the last 10 minutes of your 30 to wait on the Lord and let your heart take courage as you do so.
- Bring the vision and key issues of mobilizing an army of intercessors from all walks of life (as described in the Waiting on God strategy document that you will receive) before the Lord and then wait on Him using any of the facets of the Waiting on God diamond. You will also from time to time receive specific requests for prayer in this regard.
- Participate in a monthly Zoom prayer gathering with the 120.
- When you feel the Lord says the time is right, form a group of 5-8 people with whom you would meet weekly in Preparation (reading a Day like described in Maintenance as a group), then Maintenance and Practice of the art and discipline of Waiting on God. Your group’s intercession may be focused on the Waiting on God prayer movement (see Specific Application in the strategy you will receive) or other points of intercession as your group decides.
If the Lord is leading you to be a part, please select the “I Commit” button below.
If you are NOT led to commit but want more information on living a Waiting on God lifestyle please click the “More Information” button below.