Prayer is far more than something we simply do; it’s a Lifestyle.
Welcome to Igniting Prayer Action, where we help you discover prayer as a life-changing communication journey of open dialogue between you, God Himself, and other believers!

Prayer with God

Get resources and insights to explore what it means to pray intimately with God and wait silently for His reply. He always answers with solutions, wisdom, and peace!
Praying For Others

Discover the power of the “Pray Now” Lifestyle as you answer the call into prayer intercession. Also, learn how to develop a PIT Crew to pray for and with others!
Share Your Faith

Part of our witness and testimony is learning to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others. Uncover the power of discipleship training with Luke 10 Transformation!

Discover the
“Waiting On God”
prayer lifestyle!
Allow God’s Holy Spirit to awaken and stir up within your soul a childlike disposition of absolute dependence and confident expectation. Purchase your copy today and start the process of developing the heart, discipline, and lifestyle of waiting on God.
Kindle - $0.99
Is your prayer life on autopilot, or do you have a PIT Crew?
Here at IPA we define a prayer accountability as a “PIT” Crew or a Personal Intercessory Team. A PIT Crew is a team of Intercessors that are providing prayer on your behalf on a regular, committed basis.
Learn more about assembling your PIT Crew and gain access to your Free PIT Crew Handbook.

Current Monthly Ignite Newsletter Posts

An Adoption Victory & A Depression Battle!
Learn how we discovered the victory we have in Spiritual and natural adoption, and the power of our prayers to pluck out battles of fear and depression that try to plague our minds!
2012 “PRAY NOW” Seeds Transform 53 Lives in Mexico!
God uses a Spiritual daughter, a Spanish translator, a printer, and a PIT crew team to launch Esperando En Dios, “Waiting on God,” movements that transform lives in Veracruz, Mexico!
The Generational Joy of Igniting Prayer Action
Over the years, we’ve experienced God’s blessings, impact, and the GENERATIONAL JOY of Igniting Prayer Action! Now, read the powerful testimonies of three Godly witnesses who can also attest!