The Call to Igniting Prayer Action

About IPA's Vision, Missions, and Goals
"Ignite life-transforming prayer through multiplying disciples around the world."
The Mission:
- Train. We train and equip believers to live the waiting on God/Luke 10 Transformation lifestyle while making disciples that are worth multiplying.
- Model. Through new and established relationships, we model the “Pray Now” lifestyle, living and working in a rhythm of God’s rest wherever and whenever we go.
- Mobilize. We mobilize individuals, families, businesses, churches, ministries, cities, and nations in the art and joy-filled discipline of “Waiting on God.”
2023 Goals
- Train: 300 Master Trainers training 50 each = 15,000 trained Reach: 20+ new cities (300 people in each city) Results in: 75,000+ new believers

Colin Millar – Founder and Prayer Igniter
I received the call of God to Igniting Prayer Action on the Island of Aruba in 2005. God made a slight adjustment in my DNA as an Entrepreneur and made me an EntrePRAYneur! Now, instead of starting businesses, I start new Prayer Initiatives.
Please watch this short video and join me as we PRAY NOW:
PRAYER: “Oh Lord God, would You rend the heavens and come down to make me and grow me as a reproducing Prayer Igniter? Lord God, would You use the invitations and opportunities of this website to emblazon a seal of zeal on my heart, Lord, toward WAITING ON YOU and living the PRAY NOW Lifestyle? In the matchless name of Jesus Christ, we pray, amen.”

A 222-Year-Old Prayer Epiphany!
~ This prayer epiphany came from my great (x8 ) grandfather, who, at the age of 99, just 6 hours before he met Jesus in glory, gave this word as pictured below. After I read this, realizing it as the very same scripture foundational to my calling, I experienced a prayer legacy epiphany that crescendoed in my heart and went back 222 years to 1799! The Lord had confirmed my call to prayer and the ‘Waiting on God / PRAY NOW Lifestyle!’
If you read carefully in the picture below, you will see William said: Psalm 27:14 ~ “Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; wait I say on the Lord.”

Looking Back, Up, and Forward
God is at work through Igniting Prayer Action as we, and an ever-multiplying number of people and organizations, begin to see and experience MORE time with God daily. We’ve concluded that ~Waiting on God~ in our lives is the only solution to every problem and opportunity.
Every day and everywhere, we model and equip people to live the Pray Now Lifestyle; this is our mission. And over the years, we’ve been privileged to pray for tens of thousands of people one-on-one. Each time, we start by asking them this simple question:
“If there was one thing I could Pray Now for you, personally, what would it be?”
Then, thousands of those we’ve prayed for have, in turn, become reproducing Prayer Igniters!
School of Prayer & Partnerships
We continue to model and facilitate school of prayer adventures for families, corporations, churches, ministries, cities, and nations. In doing so, we utilize the Waiting on God Pray Now Lifestyle and PIT Crews.
In September 2021, we were in Bozeman, Montana, and were blessed to lead a group of families, including 22 children, in a Waiting on God and PIT Crew launching session. The response was incredible as families and groups of teens saw the power of living the “Pray Now Lifestyle.” Today, they’ve begun experiencing that power and its ability to provide a multitude of blessings for their community.
Also, daily deepening friendships and “Great Commission” partnerships are growing with the following.
- Evariste Harerimana in Burundi, Baluki Napoleon in The Congo
- Winnie Ochieng in Kenya
- Cyril Ginika in The Gambia, and
- James Mlali in Tanzania
Training Courses through “Waiting on God” and “Luke 10 Transformation!”
In May of 2021, we trained 116 leaders from four different countries via Zoom Training Sessions for five consecutive Saturdays.
Evariste Harerimana then trained 1017 leaders in 3 X 3-day sessions in Waiting on God and Luke 10 Transformation. Evariste’s training took place in Burundi, and from the fruits of those sessions, four churches have been planted and are growing weekly!
In November of 2021, we are trusting God for His provision to print 1200 training manual sets. And for the first time ever, we’re looking to offer a deeper follow-up training workshop from the 30 top leaders from each of the 3 X 300 trained in June. Willem, Evariste, and I are very excited and expectant about this work!
Other results from this training include the following –
- In The Congo since July 2021, Baluki Napoleon has 3-day trained 74 leaders who have led a total of 516 people to Jesus and planted four new churches!
- Waiting on God’s provision has launched over 400 pastors asking daily for the training and materials.
- New trainings are planned in Kenya, Tanzania, and The Gambia.

Fresh vision from the Lord came in 2018.
In 2018, I had “WORKED” myself into a total state of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual exhaustion! Fortunately, the Lord then used my state of being, through a 42-day sabbatical in Wales, to thrust me into a continued daily discovery of what it means to live and work in a rhythm of His rest.
God is using the previously mentioned 31-day adventure into His heart through the Waiting on God book by Andrew Murray to accomplish this. I recently published his classic book from 1896 into updated English, plus two additional language versions. Waiting on God is now part of the fundamental practice of the Pray Now Lifestyle.
Reuniting with Our Dear Friend, Willem Joubert.
In 2020 God reintroduced me to my longtime friend and ministry partner, Willem Joubert, who founded and still leads the Lifestyle Prayer Evangelism teaching called Luke 10 Transformation (L-10-T). Willem also became the vital and life-bringing director on our Board in April 2020. Collaboratively, we have fully integrated Waiting on God into the disciple multiplication training.
We fused these trainings into one Holy Spirit fire-fueled training course. Together, it now ignites a vibrant life-transforming disciple multiplication and church planting movement! Through experiencing its divine results, we’ve watched it continue to evolve and become more and more fruitful in the past 18 months than all our 14 preceding years combined! Chkk-Chirrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Your Opportunity to Give & Share
We trust the Lord always for our financial support! If He leads you to either make a one-time gift or join our monthly support family, you would be an answer to our prayers!