Lifestyle Evangelism & Sharing Jesus with Others

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God’s love leads us to share our faith by sharing Jesus with others.

Have you wondered about God’s perspective and original plan for humankind regarding living a lifestyle of prayer? Or perhaps you’ve thought about how He wants us to connect with others and share Jesus through personal evangelism?

Luke 10 Transformation can help lead you into a lifestyle of Christian discipleship and personal evangelism.

Fortunately, the Lord directed us to create a practical application course to best answer these questions! We call this course –  Luke 10 Transformation, or L-10-T.  Several years ago, we had the privilege of developing L-10-T to teach interested believers about the “Praying-Connecting-Caring-and-Sharing” Jesus Lifestyle with others.

We also believe that from God’s perspective, this lifestyle course is in direct line with how He wants every disciple to live. Therefore, we based the training on how Jesus sent out the 72 disciples in Luke 10:1-9. Luke 10 is the perfect example of Jesus showing the 12 disciples back then and how He’s showing us now how disciples should live as witnesses. In other words, personal evangelism and discipleship is God’s ultimate plan for believers to share Jesus with others.

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Consider God’s original design and plan for humankind.

Did you know God wants all people to live life as He designed it from before creation? That life was to be a life of eternity on earth, with complete joy and fulfillment each day.

However, during the Fall, Adam and Eve doomed all of humanity to a life on earth of misery and death. And after death, we were to live separated from God.

But – “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Because of the Fall, personal evangelism and the discipleship lifestyle of sharing Jesus with others became necessary.

In fact, Jesus, the Son of God Himself, asked His disciples to follow Him. This request from Jesus came at the very moment, and the first time they became His disciples by “believing in Him.” So, as believers, we too should live as disciples. Yet, Jesus further proclaimed that we should “make disciples of all nations” as well.

Therefore, as believers, we should not just live as disciples, but we should also make disciples. And in making disciples, we are to teach others to make disciples too!

Believe on Jesus (Pray)
Follow Jesus (Connect)
Live as Disciples (Care)
Make Disciples of Others (Share Jesus/Personal Evangelism)
Teach Others to Make Disciples (L-10-T Lifestyle)

We propose a lifestyle of praying, connecting to others, caring for those in need, and sharing the saving gospel of Jesus. This method is a simple daily way for believers to live as disciples of Jesus, from 4 years of age and older.

Are you interested in participating in an upcoming training session?

To follow Jesus as disciples and to be disciples sent by Him, we need to live a particular lifestyle. Throughout the history of the Church and since Pentecost, there was always a small group of Christian leaders leading many followers. Unfortunately, there were times when the world couldn’t describe the followers or Church members as disciples due to their lifestyles and general conduct.
Why? Some followers only experienced their Christian beliefs on Sundays at church or some other religious gathering. They did not actively practice an inward or outward Christian lifestyle, or they didn’t practice it regularly so that the world could see them distinctly as believers.
-Willem Joubert
Sharing Jesus with Friends

Is Luke 10 Transformation or L-10-T for you?

L-10-T is a life-transforming curriculum that we designed to help you live out your great commission call – to make disciples. In doing so, you get to share Jesus with others and fulfill that call to personal evangelism.

Luke 10 Transformation is also the foundational tool for our discipleship training. The curriculum focuses on five simple but transforming steps. The beauty is you don’t need to have a specific personality to share your faith with others; everyone can do this!


The steps to L-10-T are as follows.

Pray for
God's Blessings.

Whether you’re on a walk in your neighborhood, completing tasks at work, or shopping at the grocery store, pray! Specifically, pray God’s blessings on people, businesses, communities, the local church, and wherever you go. Praying doesn’t require you to talk to anyone but God about what you see and experience daily.


Make a list of five people you’d like to be intentional with about developing a deeper Christian relationship with them. Write their names down. Preferably, try to name people you know who don’t already have a relationship with Jesus Christ or aren’t actively living out their faith each day. The people don’t have to be strangers. They can be family members, coworkers, or even a neighbor; just ensure they’re people you have an existing connection with. Begin praying for them daily and ask God how to make a connection, and then start the process of building a deeper relationship with them.

Care for people by
helping with needs.

As you pray about your list of five, God will begin showing you what their needs are, spiritually, emotionally, socially, physically, and financially.  As God reveals these things, He’ll also start showing how you can meet specific needs. And as He shows you what to do, do it!

Tell people
about Jesus.

Through building relationships and meeting needs, you will have created an atmosphere of trust. Now you are at a place where you can share your faith and encourage them to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. You can also encourage them to grow deeper in their personal faith journey.


Some of the people on your list will be open to you teaching them the discipleship steps listed here. You only need to ask them and see if they’re interested. This is when personal evangelism begins and when you move into the place of fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. At that moment, you can start training others on how to do Luke 10 Transformation to L-10-T.

Do you feel like God wants you to go through the training process?

Explore our events calendar, find training dates and a convenient time to connect, and register for the live interactive course!