IGNITE October 2023
What a wonderful wedding that resulted from Clint and Emily regularly modeling a ‘Waiting on God’ lifestyle! It was a glorious and victorious day for the two to become one. But before you read any further:
“Oh Lord, as I take five to slow my pace and read this “IGNITE,” would You grow my desire to spend more time with You? Then, will You embolden me to speak or pray with others about You? In Jesus’ victorious name I pray, amen.”
A Waiting On God Wedding and Celebration Like No Other
At 8 a.m., on the gloriously fresh Sunday morning of October 8th, God blessed us all with a wedding ceremony like no other. The presence of the Lord was palpable as family, friends, and many children settled on colorful throws and blankets. They all were graciously gathered under the roof of God’s natural sanctuary of trees firmly rooted beside the San Marcos River.
As Emily walked across the bridge with her precious Dad, Clint led us in a heart-rendered prayer of praise, thanksgiving, and then, into SILENCE. We waited and watched as the beautiful bride stopped at the head of the aisle. Clint’s eyes seemed to ignite with the fire of his love, reflecting the radiant presence of Christ glowing on Emily’s countenance.
And in that exact moment, my mind flashed back 37 years, when I had seen my beautiful bride before me! My heart was freshly overwhelmed with the deep love I have for my Darling, as our eyes locked momentarily across the sanctuary.
“YES AND AMEN! Clinton Earl Hollis, you may kiss your beautiful bride, Emily Ann-Marie!”
The Baptismal Marriage Leap
At the conclusion of the ceremony, where two hearts united as one, I joyfully declared the precious couple as husband and wife! I heartily said to Clint, “You may kiss your Bride!” Then, excitingly running hand in hand back over the bridge, they watched the 70 of us leaping and dancing and praising God, as we gathered at the opposite bank. Then, something amazing happened!!!
Clinton and Emily leaping into the water baptism of their marriage.
Their baptismal leap was followed by about 30 others diving, jumping, and spinning into the river of “LIVING WATER” amidst a chorus of joy and laughter! The blessed moment was filled with screams and shouts through which God’s presence was visibly displayed.
Some Fruit From Living a “Waiting On God” Lifestyle
I share these testimonies as an encouragement to us all that God can turn our trials into triumphs, and our waiting into waves of fresh encounters with our living King. Learn more about the “Waiting on God” Lifestyle.
A Voice Message I Recently Received
“This is Ryan Givens. I was your physical therapist, 2 years ago, at Sterling Ridge Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. And I was calling just to say thank you for how much of a blessing you have been in my life. I appreciate you for getting me started on this journey back to God. He has done many great things since you encouraged me back to church at The Arc in Conroe. You ignited a fire back in my heart, and things are just going really well! God bless you, bye-bye.”
Letters from Pastor Kermit Oppriecht, 40 Years a Pastor
02/18/23 Dear Colin,
I am a friend of Al Ewert and have worked alongside World Impact and TUMI for nearly 20 years, first as an Associate Pastor of Missions at Eastminster Presbyterian Church in Wichita and for the past nine years as Stated Clerk of the Great Plains Presbytery of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.
Recently, Al was the keynote speaker for our annual Missions Conference, and as a part of that experience, he shared Andrew Murray’s Waiting on God book with me and many of those who attended the conference. I have been significantly impacted personally by this devotional and would like to find out how I can order a case to distribute to Pastors and leaders in my presbytery.
09/10/23 Dear Colin,
After receiving our first box of Waiting on God books (we just received our 3rd box of 47 books), I started a 6-month-long weekly bible study with 15 of us reading, waiting in silence, and then sharing what God revealed to us. This was briefly what I experienced:
The first, and perhaps the most important, revelation I received when I began an exercise of waiting on God about seven months ago, was my faith in God came alive in a fresh and powerful way. And perhaps more significantly, God became real! God gave me an unasked-for personal miracle that confirmed to me once again of His existence. I began afresh and anew, investing valuable time waiting on God because He was and is real. If you hear nothing else from today’s message, hear that investing time waiting on, hoping in, and trusting in God— which starts with the mind but will and must move to the heart – will be one of the most, if not the most, significant spiritual disciplines you can invest in, bar none.
A Teacher’s Testimony
This recent “Silence” testimony comes from our spiritually adopted daughter, Christina, a teacher at a Christian School.
“This week, Beatriz put into practice the minute of silence with God. Instead of doing the prayer ball, she told them we were going to be silent with our mouths before the Lord. A 5-year-old girl immediately went flat on her face before the Lord. It was heart-melting.
Then I realized why Beatriz is such an amazing chapel leader. When we’re with her, she isn’t teaching; she’s creating an environment where we feel and know that God adores us. She doesn’t teach, but rather, she shares. It’s an incredible atmosphere.”
An Audio Endorsement from Our Good Friend— Gary Selman!
Click below to hear this 2.5-minute personal testimony and witness about the “Pray Now Lifestyle.” Learn more from Gary at www.Godencouragesme.com.
An Online Giving Opportunity
“Oh Lord, we thank You for leading our friends to make a gift contribution to IPA. Please bless their generosity and obedience to give, in Jesus’ name we pray; amen!”
Now Be Still…
Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!
Psalm 46:10 NKJV
Give Here—Thank You!
The Lord Bless You!
– Colin