
IGNITE February 2019

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We recently took our 32nd honeymoon week in the midst of God’s glorious creation. It was like taking more stepping stones to living in the “Permanent Honeymoon Anointing!”

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As we took off from Houston Bush International on Monday 11th February I prayed: “Father God in heaven, thank You for my beautiful Bride, Lord would You use us to be a blessing, and make every encounter we have along the way a Divine Appointment for Your glory.”

God answered this prayer, quite literally giving us a fun, often hilarious , string of Kingdom adventure filled, personal encounters with Himself, His creation, each other and the multiple new friends we made in this adventure.

Whether you are married or single, I PRAY NOW: “Oh Father God will You bring Your refreshing blessing to each friend with wisdom and understanding about how our relationship with You is such a beautiful picture of the relationship You desire for our marriages, in Jesus name I pray amen.”

SOME “Honeymoon Anointing” STEPPING STONES:

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• Loving God and receiving His love.

We’ve made Jesus the “Corner Stone”, of our marriage and everything else is established through His love. Discover Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life by making Him your “Hope” for steps to a personal friendship and relationship with Jesus.

• Praying together daily.

This stepping stone is such a key to bringing the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven as we pray with and for each other, our family and others every day.

• Counting others as more important than yourself.

When both our sons were teenagers, I began to discover the incredible blessings that flow when one walks in the truth of Philippians 2 considering others, especially my bride, our sons, their brides and our grandchildren, as more important than myself! WOW 13 years to learn this, clearly I’m a slow learner and still mess up from time to time when selfishness gets the better of me, “Please forgive me Lord!”

• Listening with your whole heart.

We intention our hearts to “listen” both for the Holy Spirit and to each other. Last week we were booking a “Rest” night for after our www.GlobalMediaOutreach.com Founder’s Forum four very full days of prayer and relational friendship. We almost ALWAYS book on line through one special deal or another. But my Sweetie said: “Honey, I think you should call personally to make this booking. I kinda said: “Yes my Love!” Yet, quite honestly, I was not really listening with my whole heart and tried several more times to book it online.

This was not the way to honor my Bride and was against all first time YES DEAR obedience. Well whilst in Hilton Head, I made the call and left a message. It was several call backs till Janet the Sunset Chateau, owner and I connected live. We got the room booked and then said: “Janet, you have been most grace-filled in calling me back. I just want to say THANK YOU, and: “If there was One Thing I could PRAY NOW for you personally what would it be?”

As I write this, we’ve just spent that personally booked Sunday night in Sedona.

We also got to spend incredible prayer times together with Janet and her precious husband Philippe, now wonderful heart connected in Jesus new friends! Thank you Sweetie! 💕 Janet shared how my question had just flabbergasted her, that in 16 years of owning their bed and breakfast establishment no one had ever asked her if they could pray for her. Listening to God and your spouse, (if single, to your parents, your friends and siblings) is literally the KEYSTONE to walking in what we like to call the “Permanent Honeymoon Anointing.”

God’s Heart and Stepping Stones Revealed in the midst of Honeymoon Breakfast!

Gavin and Janice, our Prayer Partners

Gavin and Janice, our Prayer Partners

We first met Janice on our 4th morning at The Westin Beach resort in Hilton Head. She was attentively taking our breakfast order. I will quite often order elements from different items on the menu and as I was doing this I discerned that Janice was a little uncomfortable about my request for, just “one” chocolate chip pancake, 2 eggs over easy and 3 slices of bacon. She said: “Let me go and check if we can do that?”

Now unbeknownst to me, Gavin, who had served us our first 3 mornings had quietly come up behind me and in that moment, as Janice was turning away, said quietly, firmly, gently, yet authoritatively: “You may have whatever you want!”

Immediately I sensed the Lord’s presence imparting the Father’s heart through Gavin.

This was in the fulfillment of His Word in Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart.

I’d given Gavin scriptures to read each morning that we would then discuss and pray into the next day and although my breakfast order was a tiny little thing in God’s economy it was a beautiful physical manifestation of how our Father is right there with us saying in His heart: “You may have whatever you want!”

So sadly when life is “off the menu” so to speak we just don’t ask and we miss out on some crazy good blessings. This very fact that Gavin so beautifully demonstrated is the foundation to asking people the One Thing Pray Now question because you position people to receive the blessings of God unto salvation, encouragement, healing and a multitude of other blessings from the Father’s heart when you just ask on someone else’s behalf.

“Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.”

Will You Help Us Be Fruitful And Multiply?

Would you intention your heart toward just saying: “THANK YOU!” to three people today and every day and then following up with one person a day with the simple ONE THING PRAY NOW question?

Lastly I want to say THANK YOU to you for reading IGNITE! If your life is impacted toward God in prayer would you ask God if He might have you make a gift to Igniting Prayer Action that would multiply our fruitfulness for God’s glory?

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