This is a radical “unfurling” testimony shared from two hearts! Colin and Jordan my 18 year young Jesus warrior friend.
Let’s PRAY NOW: “Oh Father God, teach me, heal me, and show me what it means to wait upon You. Lord is there someone You would have me share Colin’s IGNITE with today? …. Be still listen…. Thank You Lord Jesus.”
“My name is Jordan and I have had what most would describe as a difficult life. I’ve been addicted to drugs much of my life, starting with marijuana when I was 12. This led to more disastrous drugs which took me away from a spiritual life in Jesus Christ. With thanks to my parents, I was a Christian since early in life, and even studied the Bible every day at various times. Drugs had ruined my life, I was in and out of hospitals and psych wards over twenty times.
Jesus has been with me my whole life, even at times when I felt separated from Him. I remember a special time when I was on drugs, and God revealed His presence to me. I had prayed the night I used a very dangerous drug because I was getting very scared by the visions I was having.”

“God, right away, filled me with His presence and I started having God inspired visions.”
“They are difficult to explain because of the depth of meaning God revealed but they consisted of temples, flashing picture frames and spiritual beings watching from the temples. He also showed me His Son’s cross and His crown with many symbols.”
“The next day, I walked downstairs and God made visible to me a 20 foot tall guardian warrior angel watching over our family. I saw him through our kitchen window standing over the waters of the lake in front of my house.”
“He was one of Jesus’s Father’s Holy Angels, wearing a breastplate with the cross of Jesus Christ on it. His God armor was glowing, luminescent, and filled with rainbow colors. I did not try to speak with him or go outside. His body had moving glowing symbols upon it. He had leg plates and was wearing the helmet of God resembling a warrior ready for battle. He was untouchable and physically not of this realm so my faith may be made stronger.”
“The way I describe these visions does in no way measure up to their glory. Every time I speak of this experience, even today, as I write, I tremble at the remembrance of how I experienced the glory of God. I will never forget the smile on the mighty warrior’s face along with the cross of Christ on his breastplate. Even after such an experience I struggled with all kinds of horrid sin. (Some of you know 😎what I’m talking about.)”
Colin’s Excerpt: I came to know this precious family through another ministry partnership 8 years ago.
And I have been praying for their businesses and family, especially Jordan, on a weekly basis for the past 4 years. I then got to meet Jordan in person at a ministry weekend conference giving him an inscribed copy of our Waiting on God book.
Many of you have one but may be like Jordan who had not yet dived into the practice of waiting on God. God is life transformational when you spend time ~wait~ on Him.
Let’s get back to Jordan:
“My multi drug/alcohol addictions caused a lot of problems for my family. As a young kid I stole thousands of $ from my parent’s credit cards and wallets and even from my older siblings! They did not know what to do with me. I’ve been to numerous boarding schools, running away with other kids, stealing alcohol, cigarettes and money from people’s houses and cars, while the police were looking for us. I’ve tried to kill myself multiple times with drug overdoses BUT God has protected me from death, from evil people, even law enforcement and jail, because He had a different plan for my life.”
“God’s been waiting for me to turnaround my life. As I write this in a treatment center I teach people about Jesus Christ and His resurrection power. He gives His saving grace to all who accept the truth that He is God’s Son and died upon the cross so that all who believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

“My wonderful friend, Colin Millar, invited me to write my testimony so that you can be encouraged and understand that your sins, whatever they may be, cannot be too bad to be forgiven through Jesus Christ. I also recommend you read this Andrew Murray book published by Igniting Prayer Action.
Click here and scroll down to order your copy. Waiting on God is a 31-day adventure into God’s Heart and I know that you will be blessed by God and His Holy Spirit as you read. I am on day 10 of my second read through the 31 days.”
Colin: Let us again pause a moment praying…
“Holy Spirit, please shine Your light on any sin, addictions ,or corrupted thinking in my life as I wait quietly and be still for 5 minutes. Grant me grace to stop and be still with You now… before reading onward.”
You see sweet Saints, Jordan’s mind and life was consumed with his addictions. And all he wanted to do was get out of the treatment center. But God interrupted his life!
“In the front of the Waiting on God book is a teaching that stuck out to me, a teaching I believe is true and has brought peace to me ever since I’ve been practicing it.”
“Ask this question of three people every day for the rest of your life, and you will see the kingdom of God come on earth as it is in heaven! The question is:
“If there was ONE THING I could PRAY NOW for you PERSONALLY what would it be?”
“My obedience to this teaching has blessed many people including myself.”
Colin: So, what happened to Jordan is a very similar parallel to what happened when Abram and Lot were plagued by all kinds of strife. In Genesis 13:7-18, it explains how Abram SEPARATED from Lot and “Looked up” from where he was, and God gave him the land he walked in.
Likewise, God began to change the trajectory of Jordan’s life when he looked up at God… began praying for others, separating from addictions, and the strife in his mind of depression and self-pity. Over the past 6 weeks Jordan is being transformed by the renewing of his mind.
His phone conversations with his parents and myself have changed from complaining to celebrating what God is doing in and through him.
He has given little radios, candies, and bibles to many people. In addition, he’s given Waiting on God books to 10 friends, a few of whom Jordan is disciplining on a regular basis.
“My obedience to simply asking and praying the one thing/pray now question has blessed many people and staff, including myself!! Waiting on God expresses various teachings from the Holy Bible that emphasize God’s patience with us and how He wants us to learn patience in waiting upon Him so He can bless us!!”
“Today, in my life, I am far from perfect, but I’ve determined in my mind and heart to give up drugs and other addictions recommitting my life to Jesus as Lord and Savior. This is a first as each other time I would be coming out I was simply planning on where I could get connected back into the drug culture. I feel His peace in my life and am greatly inspired by Christian music.”
“Also, I am studying the scriptures and sharing God’s word with others particularly John 3:16 and 3 friends have prayed with me giving their lives to Jesus. My prayer with my parents and Colin is that my testimony will inspire you. Please pray for me! That’s all the Lord has put on my heart to write to you!”
“Goodbye for now to all the readers of IGNITE, and I’ll enjoy seeing you believers in heaven one day. If you do not yet believe or want to connect with me, please email Colin.”
Closing Prayer
Sweet Saint, is there someone God is calling you to wait on God for? Someone to pray for, and possibly come along side of them in prayer and the love of Jesus?
Please watch the fresh charge to Waiting on God at this video link. Pull out your copy if you have one or order a copy today from our website. You may also ask God if He would have you make a gift to Igniting Prayer Action. Then daily practice the art, joy filling, and life transforming discipline of Waiting on God!
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