IGNITE January 2025
On December 9th, 2024, Christopher and Ashley’s 21-month-old foster child became fully and officially adopted as Liam James Millar. When the judge came in and saw the big crowd, including a lot of little children, he looked at his docket and said to our attorney, “I’m proposing that I move your case number to the first one on the docket today. Will everyone here for this case please come forth? Yes, all of you, children and babies included!” So, we all shuffled forward to the judge’s bench.
On this adoption day, the atmosphere was electrified with joyful anticipation built through the 21-month foster-to-adopt journey in the Millar home. After the official declarations of adoption and witness testimonies from Christopher and Ashley, Judge Karl Hays said, “Now to all of you, I’m asking are you in favor of this adoption of Liam James Millar into the Millar family?” There was this resounding “Yes!”

The judge then responded, “WOW! Usually when I ask this question I have to lean forward and say— Come on, you can be more enthusiastic and bold with your YES. Say it again! The fact that y’all are so unanimously and enthusiastically supportive fills me, and I’m sure each of you, with great joy.”
What a beautiful day we celebrated with over 30 people and children from our church. It was amazing! There is no more vivid picture of the gospel than this act of adoption in the court before the judge! “God decided in advance to adopt us into His own family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ…” Ephesians 1:5. And just as when a sinner is saved with the spiritual picture of the angels in heaven rejoicing, when one repents and turns to Christ, so God brought a crowd of witnesses to Liam’s adoption!
“Oh, Lord, would You continue to pour out Your love, joy, and favor in, over, and through Liam and the whole Millar family? Please Lord, bring Liam to know You as Lord and Savior early in his life, and may he never depart from You or Your ways. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

At the beginning of Christmas week, a cough that my sweetheart had for 2 weeks worsened. We had two doctor’s visits on Monday and Thursday, and then on Friday, she called me saying, “I just can’t stop coughing!”
We went to the emergency room at Christus Health Hospital, where the staff, without exception, was amazing. They took chest x-rays, blood work, urine, and all the COVID, RSV, and flu tests available. Yet, the coughing became so violent that my sweetheart began coughing up blood every 5-10 minutes for over an hour. Then, we overheard the following comment meant only for the nurse superintendent: “She may be going into respiratory failure.”
Wow! On the outside, I looked calm while simultaneously praying declarations of Jesus’s peace over my sweetie’s lungs and respiratory system. Yet, on the inside, the enemy and the spirit of fear began to take hold in the battleground of my mind.
They moved my sweetheart to a room on the second floor, and the coughing fits slowed slightly. At 10 PM, upon my sweetheart’s insistence, I went home to get some sleep. I slept intermittently, arising early with ‘Waiting On God‘ time. During this time, my heart literally ached with the “what ifs” going on in my mind 🤯. I experienced vivid feelings of total loneliness and loss.

I don’t want to over-dramatize the situation; however, the following day, when I went to the hospital around 7 AM, I discovered that my sweetheart had been moved to the third floor, which was “progressive care,” just one level below intensive care! The blood test had come back with a dangerously high level of infection that was pointing toward sepsis.
Dr. McGlynn, our wonderful, red-headed, and bearded doctor, (just like our sons), gave us a very detailed report. Fortunately, we also had the opportunity to pray for/with him and praise God the blood infection levels were coming down.
The sad thing was that at least five or six similar cases were on the third floor, all with an unidentifiable virus. Well, on Sunday afternoon, I brought my sweetheart home after her second night. And today, eight days after returning home for the first time, she’s beginning to feel human once again. The coughing, though still happening, is gradually lessening. THANK YOU LORD, my sweetheart is doing better!

“On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors LOCKED for FEAR of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them saying, “Peace be with you!” John 20:19
I had allowed FEAR to LOCK me in a pool of depression and isolation. But God used your prayers to pluck me out of that pit of depression! Thank YOU. ❤️🙏❤️ You know who you are! Please call someone today and PRAY. And ‘OH, MAY GOD ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS TO PLUCK THEM OUT OF THE PIT OF ANXIETY OR DEPRESSION!’
I did not send our IGNITE in December, partly due to these pools of depression. Yet, we were being blessed in beautiful ways with a full Millar Family-Delayed Christmas Celebration. We are now a family of ten with Nick and Tegan, Chris and Ashley, Caleb—8, Ella—5, Liam—nearly 2, and Rosalee—3 months.
I saw Jeremy McQuown, my very insightful counselor, on January 8th for the first time in a year. Two points that might be helpful to those of you who might struggle with depression.
1: Depression and fear can often (dis)member us, leading us to isolation and disconnection from others.
But God, in Christ, (re)members us! He draws us back into the community, where we can be remembered and known by others.
2: Being known and remembered allows healing from the depression and lessens the occurrence of fear.
The Lord had me up at 2:28 AM recently. And since it had been a while, I was very excited to be with our King and in His word for several hours! I’d been waiting on God, praying, and just experiencing His presence where there is fullness of joy.
Once again, I can genuinely issue this shrill-trill call of the joy of the Woodland Kingfisher from Zimbabwe… Chkk-Chirrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

If this IGNITE has touched your heart, ask God if He would have you make a gift to Igniting Prayer Action!
Many thanks and blessings to you all! 😊
Chkk-Chirrrrrrrrrrrrrr in the Joy of Jesus!
– Colin