Tree with deep roots

Deeper Roots | New Branches

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IGNITE March 2023

Dear Friends, Spring has arrived! As the sun warms the soil and rain replenishes the roots and new seed in the ground, we’ll begin to see the signs. Leaves bud on the tree branches and flowers start to emerge from their winter hibernation. What a joy!

Did you know that an apple tree started from a seed can take up to 12 years to produce fruit? While it’s not possible to see daily growth, if we do year-by-year comparisons, we would be able to see how the trunk grows stronger, new branches extend farther, and more leaves and fruit appear.

Train, reach, results goals for IPA in 2023So it is with Igniting Prayer Action (IPA)!

Eighteen years ago, a “Vision Seed” was planted to ignite life-transforming prayer through multiplying disciples around the world. We live out this vision daily by training pastors and lay leaders to multiply their leadership, model a “Pray Now” lifestyle and mobilize to reach new cities and evangelize people to Christ.



This Spring, IPA is launching a 2023 initiative called—  “Deeper Roots / New Branches!” 

IPA's Deeper Roots InitiativeDeeper Roots

When standing before a tree, it’s what’s out of sight— the roots—that are of critical importance. Without deep, firm, well-watered, well-nourished roots, a tree will not grow. So it is with IPA. Our prayer-filled mission is to encourage more people than ever to trust and rely on the Lord in each and every circumstance they find themselves in.

One way to do this is to integrate the art and discipline of a “Pray Now” lifestyle. It’s a tangible way to grow deeper daily with your roots in Him. Click here for more information.




New Branches

As Believers, we’re also commanded to share with others the Good News of the Gospel, to make disciples, who in turn multiply more disciples: new branches. We’re praying for God to provide $100,000 this spring to help achieve our 2023 ministry goals. Your financial support will make this possible. Please join us!


Prayer Initiative in DubaiBuilding prayer roots in Dubai

I just returned from Dubai, where an IPA team of seven met, prayed, planned, and deepened relationships. Highlights included forming a prayer altar on the top of the tallest building in the world!

Our prayers were for the nations, and that Dubai would be ignited with life-transforming prayer. I also facilitated 60 leaders from 15 nations about Waiting on God and Luke 10 transformation. To God be the Glory!


Growing deeper roots and new branches with you,


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