God Removes the “Iron Bar” of Pride From My Life
“I will go before you and level the exalted place… and cut through the bars of iron.” Isaiah 45:2
My Friend, almost everything in life comes with “side effects.” Specifically, all medication is listed with its various possible side effects that can occur. I am discovering, as I press deeper into the practice of waiting on God, that one of the side effects is having my pride exposed by God and cut down so He can build something new out of humility.
15 years ago I met a very precious fellow South African family, Greg, Moira, Dean and Candice Allen in which God instantly melded our hearts together through the Word, prayer and ministry. God seemed to place a special anointing on me and Dean when we would go to pray for people and we simply thrived watching God at work when we prayed.
Dean and I would often go on ministry adventures together and watch the Lord do wonderful things!
While Dean is young enough to be one of my sons, I have almost always experienced him as a peer with whom God has placed alongside of me to do ministry with.
Occasionally, Dean would jokingly introduce me in a way that hinted at more of a father-son type relationship and, in my heart, I would push back against this because I did not want to admit that I was indeed old enough to be his dad (Dean is 24 years younger than me)! The enemy began to use this, due to the pride in my heart, to cause a subtle but significant hindrance in our freedom of relationship and ministry together.
As I was waiting on the Lord ta few months ago, I felt “cut down” like the bars of iron talked about in Isaiah 45 and realized the significance of the pride in my heart. I went to Dean, asked for his forgiveness (which he graciously granted), and asked if I could have the honor of adopting him as a spiritual son.
Precious saints, what God has done in and through our relationship since that day has been nothing short of Heaven on earth! You see, when we wait on God, He is going to bring about the holy side effects that will constantly lead us to a deeper experience of joy in Him AND healing in our hearts and relationships!
Would you take a moment to WAIT ON GOD right now and ask him these two questions:
“Lord, is there any relationship in my life that is being held back from being more fruitful because of my pride?” Take 3 minutes to be still.
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Waiting on God has brought about the best side effects I have ever experienced in my life.
Let’s PRAY NOW: “Lord God thank You for what You do when we wait on You! Father if You would like me to give to Your work of Igniting Prayer Action please give me peace to do so, In Jesus name.”