Recently I was driving to a dinner reunion while participating in a College Student Prayer Conference Call. Our younger son, Chris, leads this Tuesday night of “College Worship with a Message” and will most often pop into a part of the 45 minute prayer time. I’ve heard Chris pray 1000s of times, but on this night when I heard his voice over the speaker in my car, suddenly, three things happened in the same moment!
Tears of joy sprung forth from my eyes.
I heard the voice of our Heavenly Father superimposed over my own voice saying: “THAT’S MY SON!!”
God gave me an impartation of the inexplicable joy in our Father’s heart that HE experiences when we, His children cry out loud to Him in prayer. This resounding joy simply reverberated like a drum beat of rolling thunder through my heart, mind and soul.
Let’s pause and: PRAY NOW out loud: “Father, I rejoice that You love to hear my voice and heart turned to you in prayer. Please forgive me when I ignore Your presence. I commit to daily being a student in Your “School of Prayer” and to cry out to You regularly “”Lord please teach me to pray.””
The best way to learn to do anything is by doing that thing right? Riding a bike, playing football, and PRAYING the best way to learn is to PRAY. So we can be obedient to this:
SCRIPTURE: James 5:16 “….pray for one another…”
I often quote Leonard Ravenhill when teaching on prayer where he says: “Few are called to preach BUT ALL ARE CALLED TO PRAY! The instruction from James is addressed to every believer in Jesus. So if you are reading this then you are called by God to pray.
A Simple Way! To Pray! Throughout Your Day!

GIVE THANKS in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 and just happens to be right after verse 17 that says “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!” which is another instruction to pray. 😊🙏👍
Yes precious readers, those two simple words “THANK YOU” are a secret key to virtually every person’s heart. Whoever you are you can say THANK YOU to anyone and everyone. Let me explain in just one instance. Whenever I board a flight, I look the flight attendants standing in the cabin entrance in their eyes, smile and say: “I want to say THANK YOU to you both for serving in the skies today, God bless you.” Whether it’s to your mother, a family member, a stranger , on the phone to customer service, you can say THANK YOU to them and then, if timing and circumstances allow, a very simple next step is to ask this question slowly, clearly and sincerely from your heart.
“If there was ONE THING I could PRAY NOW for you PERSONALLY what would it be?”
If you are thinking/feeling? “
I can’t do that!! It’s for people like Colin.
A mild/strong sense of fear rising up in your spirit even at the thought of praying for others?
These types of responses are often as a result of:
FORTRESSES OF UNBELIEF AND FEAR: that can be so subtly established in our minds by the enemy.

“Effectual Prayer” is praying God’s Word! So let us PRAY NOW: “Father I pray Your word out of James 4:7 and submit therefore to You, my God, and I resist the enemies of unbelief and fear and Your Word says they will flee. Forgive me Lord God when I miss opportunities to pray for others and I commit to say THANK YOU to at least three people a day and to intentionally be expectant of seeing Your GOD SET UPS for me to ask the One Thing I can Pray Now question at least once a day, in Jesus name I pray amen.”
“Waiting on God” PATIENTLY excerpt from Andrew Murray download the free PDF (Here)
“Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him, Those that wait on the Lord inherit the land.” Ps. 37:7, 9
“In patience possess your souls.” “You have need of patience.” “Let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire.” Such words of the Holy Spirit show us what an important element in the Christian life and character patience is. And nowhere is there a better place for cultivating or displaying it than in waiting on God. There we discover how impatient we are, and what our impatience means. We confess at times that we are impatient with men, and circumstances that hinder us, or with ourselves and our slow progress in the Christian life. If we truly set ourselves to wait on God, we shall find that it is with Him we are impatient, because He does not at once, or as soon as we could wish, do our bidding. It is in waiting on God that our eyes are opened to believe in His wise and sovereign will, and to see that the sooner and the more completely we yield absolutely to it, the more surely His blessing can come to us.
Let me ask you to ponder: For which Christmas blessing have you been waiting too little upon God?