IGNITE June 2023
Precious God Waiter,
“The want of our religion is that there is too little personal dealing with God. Our faith stands more in the wisdom of men than in the power of God. There is no need (for) crying, as that believers be taught how to meet with God, to tarry, and to dwell with Him.”
Quote from Andrew Murray‘s introduction to: “The Power of the Spirit” by William Law. And I add— to abide with Him, wait on Him, and to be still with Him.
We waited, sometimes patiently, to make our 4th move in 11 months on June 12th. And this was:
God’s welcome to our new home!
Chkk-Chirrrrrrrrrrrrrr! It is totally wonderful for us to be “settling” in this “New Season” of our lives.
And to help us do this came our very dear friends, Scott and Cheryl Begin. They were our first guests during our fifth day of living in our home.
We talked, prayed, laughed, and ate simple meals while sharing crazy family stories. Also, we unpacked boxes and took morning walks on this trail that starts just five minutes from our front door.
God brings His invitation from the midst of my frustration.
Our wonderful Daniel Movers arrived with a truckload from Houston, and suddenly there was an outpouring of motor oil and fuel from the truck right onto the new road in front of our house! 🥵
I was tempted to frustration and anger against our moving company for not having a well-maintained truck. But I waited in stillness and praised God in my heart that their truck didn’t break down even a mile away from our home. Had the happened, we would’ve had to unload and reload the truck, so we rejoiced instead!
And as the Lord would have it, I’d tracked down a Power Washing team who “just happened” to live in Blanco Vista!
So I asked the owner, David— “Do you know Chris Millar?”
“Oh yes, he’s on Facebook all the time! I’ve not met him… (he pauses) Oh my goodness, that’s your son?”
Well, of course, we ministered to him and his crew with lots of cold refreshing water while we were outside. And after they had finished, we invited them into my prayer study, where Scott prayed over them, and we watched God touch their hearts.
I also gave them inscribed Waiting On God books as we said our goodbyes with very sweaty hugs!
An hour later, David calls me, saying— “I just had to call you. There is absolutely no doubt that God intended to bring us together.”
He started weeping as he began to share more. They have a precious autistic, 4-year-old son, and in telling the story about our meeting to his wife, she tells David something that only God could orchestrate. His wife tells him that Chris’s wife, Ashley Millar, has been their son’s home-visiting therapist for the past two years!
God is expressing His love for them through our family in ways we could never have asked or imagined.🙌❤️🔥🎶
Yesterday, I praised God with the owner of Daniel Movers, who has also become a dear friend through four family moves. I’ve begun sharing how God had turned the potential frustration of the oil spill into His invitation to love on this precious family.
Are you facing a challenging situation or relationship? Wait on God, be still, and watch Him work in and through it.
With love and renewing joy in Jesus,
— Colin & Nancy Millar