IPA Pastors singing gratitude in Burundi.

Singing Our Gratitude- IPA Reflects on God’s Work

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IGNITE January 2023

Dear Friends, as I was reflecting on God’s work through IPA in 2022, I became consumed by an overwhelming sense of gratitude. We praise God for His abundant provisions for the ministry of IPA.

Building on the last 17 years, we ended the year with strong finances. We’ve mobilized our first two IPA Action Teams—Development and Translations—which hugely encourages me and our Board of Directors. Also, we have deepened relationships with our partners and have increased clarity moving into 2023. By this, we’ve included six national leaders to implement IPA’s vision in tangible ways.

On a personal level, my beautiful bride, Nancy, and I thank you for your prayer support in moving from Houston! Currently, we are now celebrating living right between our children/grandchildren in San Marcos. ChkkChirrrrrrr!

All this momentum is only possible with God’s help and your support, prayers, and encouragement!

We are seeing the ministry of IPA flourish in beautiful ways.

In December, fifty-four leaders from across Burundi gathered for three days to receive life-transforming, heart-igniting prayer training in Kirundi, their native language. Each person walked through IPA’s Luke 10 Transformation, a practical life training that provides tangible ways to integrate prayer into every part of life. Participants now realize that trusting God for His wisdom, timing, and answers to prayers from deep within their hearts is a very active, ongoing discipline.

At the completion of their training, these pastors sang their gratitude to God. I encourage you to click the link below and turn up the volume on your computer or phone to hear 10 seconds of their incredibly beautiful worship.

Giving Thanks in Burundi from Colin Millar on Vimeo.

Can you imagine how this contagious joy in the Lord will translate into discipleship across Burundi and beyond in 2023?!


Thank you for your ongoing partnership with IPA! May God lead us all as we wait on Him daily.

Choose to walk in the joy of Jesus!

— Colin

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