Igniting Prayer for a School of Prayer— Take Our Survey!

We’re igniting prayer action toward establishing a School of Prayer, and your prayer survey feedback would be invaluable!
New Prayer Adventures with Dots of Depression

IGNITE July 2023 Dear Prayer Igniters : I’m curious if some of you who read our IGNITE letters ever feel as if you may be in a school of prayer. In this new season, which God is opening before us, one of the first invitations I received was from our mile-away neighbor— Brian Guenther! […]
What Happens When You Spend More Time with God

When we spend more time with God, He begins expressing His love for others through our lives. My encouragement to you is to “Wait on God” daily.
IGNITE – November Praise Report & Prayer!

We’re thanking the Lord for His incredible outpouring of power and anointing on IPA in 2022! See our year-end praise report and heartfelt note of THANKS!
Joni Eareckson-Tada’s Call to Wait in SILENCE

IGNITE June 2022: It was 3:23 AM when God beckoned me to come and wait on Him. I also happened to be on Day 21 of my Andrew Murray’s Waiting on God 31-day adventure into God’s heart. Although this is my 44th month on this life-transforming journey, God continues to reveal the depths of His […]
IGNITE May 2022- Celebrating Family in Yosemite

For over a year, we waited, planned, and anticipated our first-ever family vacation with all eight of us. And we watched God joyfully and magnificently roll out eight glorious days of excitement in Yosemite!
My Beautiful Bride’s Prayers Bear Convicting Fruit

“Praise the Lord He’s answered my prayer!” Yes, she had given up asking me to slow down and began asking the Lord to get me a speeding ticket!
Live Every Day Waiting on God

I did not realize how sickly my prayer life truly was until I started this practice of Waiting on God with you all. I learned “a healthy physical body is nothing without a healthy Spirit.”